Esto es lo que sabemos de EVELYN WAUGH.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para EVELYN WAUGH
Men at Arms. Officers and Gentlemen. Unconditional Surrender. 796 pp, 8°, Hardcover/Pappeinband cloth, Name im Vorsatz, antiquarisch gut erhaltenes Exemplar, good copy, K14167
Die besten Erzählungen von Evelyn Waugh in neuen und revidierten Übersetzungen, darunter vier zum ersten Mal auf Deutsch. »Wörter sollten ein intensives Vergnügen sein«, so Waugh. Seine Erzählungen sind genau das: satirisch, verblüffend, konzentriert, melancholisch, boshaft und stets glänzend geschrieben.
Lord Copper, newspaper magnate and proprietor of the Daily Beast, has always prided himself on his intuitive flair for spotting ace reporters. That is not to say he has not made the odd blunder, however, and may in a moment of weakness make another. Acting on a dinner-party tip from Mrs Algernon Stitch, he feels convinced that he has hit on just...
Part of the fabulous new hardback library of 24 Evelyn Waugh books, publishing in chronological order over the coming year. The books have an elegant new jacket and text design. Rossetti was Evelyn Waugh's first published book. It details the life and works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and Waugh naturally offers his own critique of this magnanim...
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