Esto es lo que sabemos de JOSIE LLOYD.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para JOSIE LLOYD
Is it true what they say about first loves being forever? As the 1980s dawn in the sleepy English village of Rushton, Mickey and Fred are next-door neighbours and best friends, in and out of scrapes from the day they're born. They're convinced that nothing will ever keep them apart. But they're wrong. Fifteen years later, Mickey is beginning a...
Meet Jack Jack Rossiter. I'm twenty-seven years old, single, and live with my best mate Matt. Matt and I started hanging out when we were eight. Life was simpler then. Our idea of fashion was polyester. I told him I wanted to be a spy and he asked me who I'd marry. I imagined falling in love with a girl so perfect I couldn't even guess her nam...
Todavía no ha sido valorado
RBA. Barcelona. 2004. 22 cm. 315 p. Encuadernación en ti. Traducción, Mª Antonia Menini Pagés. Traducción de: Come together. Rees, Emlyn . Cubierta deslucida. ISBN: 84-473-3845-2
Els amics. No pots viure amb ells però tampoc sense ells: almenys això és el que Matt està descobrint. El seu millor amic es casa i el deixa penjat, llavors es recorda de Helen (H pels amics). Per a H no hi ha res més important que la seva brillant carrera, però no tan sols està segura que la feina que fa li agradi. I, per acabar-ho d'adobar, la...
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