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Libros de O.

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MEMS PRODUCT ENGINEERING // , O.; , Schmidt; , Hahn; , Bieniek; , Janczyk; , Brück;

This book provides the methodological background to directing cooperative product engineering projects in a micro and nanotechnology setting. The methodology is based on well-established methods like PRINCE2 and StageGate, which are supplemented by best practices that can be individually tailored to the actual nature and size of the project at h...

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Computing power performance was important at times when hardware was still expensive, because hardware had to be put to the best use. Later on this criterion was no longer critical, since hardware had become inexpensive. Meanwhile, however, people have realized that performance again plays a significant role, because of the major drain on system...

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HAPTICS TECHNOLOGIES // , O.; , Cha; , El Saddik; , Eid;

The term ?haptics? refers to the science of sensing and manipulation through touch. Multiple disciplines such as biomechanics, psychophysics, robotics, neuroscience, and software engineering converge to support haptics, and generally, haptic research is done by three communities: the robotics community, the human computer interface community, an...

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Television sports production is difficult, and producing a remote sports event is arguably the most complicated to orchestrate. Many factors can adversely affect your production, including weather, lighting, and natural sound. A successful production is dependent on extensive planning, from budgets, technology and location to the intricacies of ...

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4th edition. Fully revised and up-to-date, with new sections on internet-related vocabulary, travel and banking, and a new guide to correspondence.

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A magnificent new illustrated edition of Oscar Wilde's famous and moving story.

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The notion of Minimalism is proposed as a theoretical tool supporting a more differentiated understanding of reduction and thus forms a standpoint that allows definition of aspects of simplicity. Possible uses of the notion of minimalism in the field of human?computer interaction design are examined both from a theoretical and empirical viewpoin...

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SPECIES DIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY STRUCTURE // , O.; , Sota; , Kagata; , Ando; , Utsumi;

This book introduces recent progress in the study of species diversity and community structures in terrestrial organisms conducted by three groups at Kyoto University. First, it explains species diversity and the functioning of fungi in Asian regions as outlined by metagenomic approaches using next-generation sequencing technology. The advances ...

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A REMOTE INTEGRATED TESTBED FOR COOPERATING OBJECTS // , O.; , Martinez-de Dios; , Jimenez-Gonzalez; , San Bernabe;

Testbeds are gaining increasing relevance in research domains and also in industrial applications. However, very few books devoted to testbeds have been published. To the best of my knowledge no book on this topic has been published. This book is particularly interesting for the growing community of testbed developers. I believe the book is also...

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