Esto es lo que sabemos de RAFAEL SABATINI.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para RAFAEL SABATINI
Encuadernados en un solo tomo. Ed. Molino. Biblioteca Oro. Año 1935. 292pp. 24x17. Cartoné, lomo tela. A la primera obra le falta la última hoja.
Barcelona . 1934. Editorial Molino. 4º menor. 123 p. Rústica deslucida. Imperfecciones en la lomera. Literatura Extranjera, . . .
The Tavern Knight. Imp. The Anchor Press. Ed. Hutchinson & Co. 1926. Essex, Reino Unido. 1 Vol. 219 pp. Octavo. Leve fatiga.
In approaching ""The Historical Nights' Entertainment"" I set myself the task of reconstructing, in the fullest possible detail and with all the colour available from surviving records, a group of more or less famous events. I would select for my purpose those which were in themselves bizarre and resulting from the interplay of human passions, a...
Ordinarily Dragut Reis - who was dubbed by the Faithful ""The Drawn Sword of Islam"" - loved Christians as the fox loves geese. But in that summer of 1550 his feelings acquired a far deeper malignancy; they developed into a direct and personal hatred that for intensity was second only to the hatred which the Christians bore Dragut. The allied Ch...
Famosas novelas Literatura. Novela ilustrada. Traducción de Th. Scheppelmann. Cubierta de J.P. Bocquet. 250 pág 17x12 cm
Traducción Guillermo de Boladeres. Cubierta de J. Bocquet. Ilustraciones de Alex. Col. Famosas novelas, nº 40. Editorial Molino circa 1950. 316 pp.
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