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Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para REBECCA MOESTA
Jacen und Jaina, die Kinder von Prinzessin Leia Organa und Han Solo, repräsentieren die neue Generation der Jedi-Ritter. Sie treten mit 14 Jahren in Luke Skywalkers Jedi-Akademie ein. Doch die Bedrohung durch die Dunklen Jedis von der Schattenakademie wächst, und Luke muss seine Schützlinge auf den unausweichlichen Konflikt vorbereiten ... "STAR...
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The final book in the trilogy will have a wide appeal to fans of Garth Nix and alike. These US fantasy authors have a sizeable amount of books between them, with well over 20 million books in print in over 30 different languages.
After an exhilarating space simulation field trip at the local Challenger Center, four talented students are hand picked by the mysterious Commander Zota for a special adventure—to travel to the future and a real moonbase in trouble, where these new “Star Challengers” will learn skills to save the human race!June Scobee Rodgers PresentsStar Chal...
Star Challengers: Asteroid Crisis
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