Esto es lo que sabemos de TERRY PRATCHETT.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para TERRY PRATCHETT
As the witch of the Chalk, Tiffany Aching performs the distinctly unglamorous work of caring for
'A foot on the neck is nine points of the law' There are many who say that the art of diplomacy is an intricate and complex dance. There are others who maintain that it's merely a matter of who carries the biggest stick. The oldest and most inscrutable (not to mention heavily fortified) empire on the Discworld is in turmoil, brought about by th...
'Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City Watch needs MEN!' But what it's got includes Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf), Lance-constable Cuddy (really a dwarf), Lance-constable Detritus (a troll), Lance-constable Angua (a woman ...most of the time) and Corporal Nobbs (disqualified from the human race for shoving). And they need all the help the...
It began as a sudden strange fancy... Polly Perks had to become a boy in a hurry... and now she's enlisted in the army, and searching for her lost brother. But there's a war on. And Polly and her fellow recruits are in the thick of it, without any tra ...
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