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Libros de Valls
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Valls
Ant/(cat).(08).musica 4t.prim (+cd) (tornassol) editado por Teide
Ant/(06).musica 5o.prim.(+cd) (polar) editado por Teide
Descat/(cat).(08).quadern musica 4t.prim.(tornassol) editado por Teide
(07).musica 2o.prim.(tornasol) editado por Teide
(07).musica 1o.prim.(tornasol) editado por Teide
The theory of dynamical systems is a broad and active research subject with connections to most parts of mathematics. Dynamical Systems: An Introduction undertakes the difficult task to provide a self-contained and compact introduction. Topics covered include topological, low-dimensional, hyperbolic and symbolic dynamics, as well as a brief in...
This volume covers the stability of nonautonomous differential equations in Banach spaces in the presence of nonuniform hyperbolicity. Topics under discussion include the Lyapunov stability of solutions, the existence and smoothness of invariant manifolds, and the construction and regularity of topological conjugacies. The exposition is directed...
This book comprises an impressive collection of problems that cover a variety of carefully selected topics on the core of the theory of dynamical systems. Aimed at the graduate/upper undergraduate level, the emphasis is on dynamical systems with discrete time. In addition to the basic theory, the topics include topological, low-dimensional, hype...
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