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  • Portada de CRADLE AND ALL


  • Portada de CRADLE AND ALL


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • James Patterson's Cradle and All pits the intensity of faith against the certainties of science within an arena of Millennial tensions. A reworking of his 1980 apocalyptic thriller Virgin, this remodeled version boasts a genuinely unnerving premise, amplified with Patterson's fast-paced, uncluttered prose.
    In the midst of a series of unexplained plagues and famines, two teenage girls are heavily pregnant, despite being virgins. According to the sacred prophecies of Fatima, one will bear the child of Christ and the other, the spawn of Satan. Both Anne Fitzgerald, a former nun turned private detective, and the Vatican's Father Rosetti are sent to investigate. But which girl carries which child? The possibility of a miracle will be tainted with great suffering before the awful, unexpected truth is revealed. As the action moves speedily from the hallowed halls of the Vatican to the media frenzy of America to the small-town hysteria of Ireland, Patterson divines considerable suspense from the novel's central premise, tackling issues of faith with admirable aplomb:

    "All over the world, after all the years of difficulty, decades of diminishing spirituality, so many people still believed.... Everywhere, people talked of the Apocalypse, perhaps the end of the world. Which explained why so many people were suddenly going to church."

    A relentless pace culminating in a superbly twisted ending won't disappoint Patterson's faithful followers, and may even convert some new members

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • This reworking of Patterson's second novel, VIRGIN (1980), features former nun turned private eye Anne Fitzgerald, who is hired to protect a rich Rhode Island teenager eight months pregnant--and a virgin. It seems that the Third Secret of Fatima, a real-life prophesy upheld by the Catholic Church and supposedly proclaimed by the Virgin Mary in 1917, states that two pregnant virgins, one bearing the Savior, the other Satan's child, will one day emerge. As Anne attempts to divert media attention away from the vulnerable young woman, she learns that there is indeed another virgin with child ...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Two teenage girls claim that they pregnant--and virgins. One is carrying the child of...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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