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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Microsoft SharePoint 2010 introduces many powerful new capabilities for organizations and developers. However, new capabilities mean new design challenges, new architecture considerations, and new choices and trade-offs for developers. Should you build your application as a farm solution, or should you target the new sandbox environment? Should you create a full-trust proxy assembly to extend the capabilities of your sandboxed solutions? Should you build your data store using SharePoint lists or an external database? What are the capabilities and performance implications of the new LINQ to SharePoint provider? How can you maximize the efficiency of the new client-side APIs when you retrieve SharePoint data from Microsoft Silverlight® or JavaScript? Designing Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 can help you answer many of these questions. It draws together much of the core material produced by the Microsoft patterns & practices team for the Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010 online guidance, a release that includes documentation, reference implementations, and reusable code utilities.

    The book tackles four core areas of architecture and development for SharePoint applications: execution models, data models, client application models, and application foundations.

    In each area, the book focuses on providing you with the information you need in order to make the right architecture and development decisions. It provides detailed technical insights to help you gain a deeper understanding of how the platform works, offers side-by-side comparisons of different approaches to common SharePoint development tasks and architecture decisions, and presents design patterns that improve the flexibility and robustness of your code. In short, Designing Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 can help you take your SharePoint design and development skills to the next level.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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