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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Space station security specialist Sam has done one thing since her abduction by alien slavers...fight to survive. But now one strong alien gladiator stands at her side and Sam knows she is no longer alone.

    Thrust into a lawless desert arena, Sam Santos has done terrible things in order to stay alive. As the Champion of Zaabha, she's been fighting to find a way out. Everything changes when the Imperator of the House of Galen sacrifices his freedom to help her. The hard-bodied, fierce man has vowed to help her escape, but getting out of Zaabha is only the first deadly task they face.

    Galen was bred to be a royal bodyguard and protect his prince. With his planet now destroyed, he's grown powerful and forged his wealthy gladiatorial House on the desert planet of Carthago. All Galen knows is honor, service, and sacrifice. Now his life depends on working with one battle-hardened woman of Earth as they fight together to survive. But Sam Santos is not what he expected. Tough, yes. A brilliant fighter, for sure. But there is a softer side to the woman as well. And Galen finds himself irrevocably drawn to all of Sam's captivating facets.

    Then they uncover a devious plot by the Thraxians that could bring down the foundations of the Kor Magna Arena and all they hold dear. Galen and Sam will stop at nothing to defeat the evil alien slavers, even if it means war. In amongst the fighting, Sam may finally show a man who lives for everyone else, that he deserves more than just honor and freedom, but love as well...if they survive the coming battle.

    Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild fights and daring escapes), tough gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen and the House of Rone) and a steamy romance (between a sexy, mysterious imperator and a tough fighter from Earth). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!

    Includes a preview of Marcus, Book 1 of Hell Squad.

    Q & A with the Author

    Q - How would you describe the Galactic Gladiators series?
    A - Gladiators in space! The desert planet of Carthago is home to the Kor Magna Arena: it's a mix of low and high tech. Think the Colosseum of Ancient Rome with a touch of professional sports and a side of Las Vegas glitz and temptation. You'll see a lot of action-packed romance as women abducted from Earth clash with tough, gritty gladiators fighting for love, honor, and freedom.

    Q - Why did you want to write the series?
    A - It's no secret that I love action, adventure and romance. And I love science fiction romance and all the endless possibilities. Raiden, the gladiator hero of Gladiator, stormed into my head and wanted his story told. I saw this big, tough man covered in tattoos facing off with an equally tough female space marine from Earth. That's where it all began, and since then the planet of Carthago, the intrigues of the Kor Magna Arena, and an amazing band of gladiators came to life.

    Q - What order should I read the books in?
    A - All the Galactic Gladiator books will be stand-alone romances centered on the Kor Magna Arena, rescuing abducted humans, and making a life far from home. Here's the order I suggest:

    - Gladiator
    - Warrior
    - Hero
    - Protector
    - Champion
    - Barbarian
    - Beast
    - Rogue
    - Guardian
    - Cyborg
    - Imperator

    The Galactic Gladiators Science Fiction Romance Series: Science Fiction Romance, Action Adventure Romance, Space Opera, Futuristic Romance, Fantasy Romance, Military Romance, and Paranormal Romance

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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