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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Do you need to learn how to use Microsoft Teams? Are you questioning how to drive user adoption, govern content, and manage access for your Teams deployment? Either way, Mastering Microsoft Teams is your one-stop-shop to learning everything you need to know to find success with Microsoft Teams.

    Microsoft?s new chat-based collaboration software has many rich features that enable teams to be more efficient, and save valuable time and resources. However, as with all software, there is a learning curve and pitfalls that should be avoided. Mastering Microsoft Teams is a practical, hands-on guide to using, administering, and developing for Microsoft Teams.

    Begin by learning the core components and use cases for Teams. From there the authors guide you through ideas to create governance and adoption plans that make sense for your organization or customer. Wrap up with an understanding of features and services in progress, and a road map to the future of the product.

    What You'll Learn

    • Implement, use, and manage Microsoft Teams
    • Understand how Teams drives productivity and engagement by combining the functionality of Microsoft Groups, SharePoint, OneDrive, Outlook, and other services in one location
    • Govern, explain, and use Teams in your organization
    • Know the pitfalls to avoid that may create challenges in your usage of Teams
    • Become familiar with the functionality and components of Teams via walkthroughs, including opportunities for automating business processes in Teams

    Who This Book Is For

    Anyone who wants to learn Microsoft Teams. To get the most out of the book, a basic understanding of Office 365 and a subscription, including a Microsoft Teams license, is useful.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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Fecha: 07/10/2021 10:31 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: gmmelissa
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