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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Un inquietante thriller sobre el lado oscuro de la ingeniería genética.
    El autor de Estado de miedo (2006) nos sumerge en los aspectos más sombríos de la investigación genética, la especulación farmacéutica y las consecuencias morales de esta nueva realidad. El investigador Henry Kendall mezcla ADN humano y de chimpancé y produce un híbrido extraordinariamente evolucionado al que rescatará del laboratorio y hará pasar como un humano. Tráfco de genes, animales de diseño, encarnizadas guerras de patentes: un futuro turbador que ya está aquí.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Un inquietante thriller sobre el lado oscuro de la ingeniería genética.

    El autor de Estado de miedo nos sumerge en los aspectos más sombríos de la investigación genética, la especulación farmacéutica y las consecuencias morales de esta nueva realidad. El investigador Henry Kendall mezcla ADN humano y de chimpancé y produce un híbrido extraordinariamente evolucionado al que rescatará del laboratorio y hará pasar como un humano. Tráfico de genes, animales «de diseño», encarnizadas guerras de patentes: un futuro turbador que ya está aquí.

    Un tema apasionante en el que la realidad supera la ficción. Las consecuencias de la manipulación genética indiscriminada son impredecibles y plantean un debate moral que, sin duda, determinará nuestro futuro inmediato.

    Visita nuestro especial de thrillers científicos y genética

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Amb la seva habitual habilitat per unir ciència i suspens, en la seva nova novel·la Michael Crichton apropa el lector al
    món de l’enginyeria genètica, un món vertiginós on res és el que sembla i on cada dia s’obren un munt de noves
    possibilitats. Però els descobriments científics també poden ser perillosos; barrejar gens de ximpanzé i ésser humà pot
    portar moltes conseqüències, com aviat descobrirà l’investigador Henry Kendall.
    Amb un ritme sostingut i una imaginació intel·ligent, a Next Michael Crichton retrata els fils opacs i multimilionaris que
    mouen els suposats descobriments genètics i ens planteja tot un seguit de qüestions ètiques, polítiques, científiques i
    filosòfiques, que ben segur definiran el futur del món.
    “Michael Crichton té un gran talent per donar un nou enfocament als potencials usos i abusos de la ciència i la
    tecnologia. Amb Next demostra que està en plena forma.”, Carol Memmott USA Today.

    Idioma: CATALÁN

  • The world of genetics is out of control -- now the new Sunday Times bestseller from Michael Crichton, one of today's most famous authors, shows you what happens NEXT! Is a loved one missing body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Has a human already cross-bred with a monkey? We live in a GENETIC WORLD. Fast, frightening -- and potentially VERY lucrative. There are designer pets; a genetic cure for drug addiction; a booming market in eggs and sperm. But is there also a talking ape in Borneo? Has a 'master' gene for controlling others been found? Could an innocent man and his family be hunted cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes ! Are you ready for what comes NEXT in Michael Crichton's stunning new thriller?

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Is a loved one missing some body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes; is that why a chimp fetus resembles a human being? And should that worry us? There's a new genetic cure for drug addiction—is it worse than the disease?
    We live in a time of momentous scientific leaps, a time when it's possible to sell our eggs and sperm online for thousands of dollars and to test our spouses for genetic maladies.
    We live in a time when one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else, and an unsuspecting person and his family can be pursued cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes within their chromosomes . . .
    Devilishly clever, Next blends fact and fiction into a breathless tale of a new world where nothing is what it seems and a set of new possibilities can open at every turn.
    Next challenges our sense of reality and notions of morality. Balancing the comic and the bizarre with the genuinely frightening and disturbing, Next shatters our assumptions and reveals shocking new choices where we least expect.
    The future is closer than you think

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Is a loved one missing some body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes; is that why a chimp fetus resembles a human being? And should that worry us? There's a new genetic cure for drug addiction--is it worse than the disease? We live in a time of momentous scientific leaps, a time when it's possible to sell our eggs and sperm online for thousands of dollars and to test our spouses for genetic maladies. We live in a time when one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else, and an unsuspecting person and his family can be pursued cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes within their chromosomes... Devilishly clever, Next blends fact and fiction into a breathless tale of a new world where nothing is what it seems and a set of new possibilities can open at every turn. Next challenges our sense of reality and notions of morality. Balancing the comic and the bizarre with the genuinely frightening and disturbing, Next shatters our assumptions and reveals shocking new choices where we least expect. The future is closer than you think.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Noch nie war die Zukunft so bedrohlich nah wie in Michael Crichtons neuem Bestseller NEXT. In dieser Welt zählt nur eines: gutes Genmaterial. Und Gentechnologie-Unternehmen setzen alles daran, sich die Rechte an profitablem Gewebe zu sichern. Genau das wird Frank Burnet zum Verhängnis. Die Rechte an seinen Immunzellen hat BioGen Research erworben. Doch Burnet hat nicht vor, sein Gewebe zur Verfügung zu stellen, und so bleibt ihm nur die Flucht. NEXT ist ein rasanter Gen-Thriller, hochbrisant und brandaktuell.

    Idioma: ALEMÁN

  • Next editado por Debolsillo

    Idioma: BABLE



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