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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Stellar author team of Microsoft MVPs helps developers and administrators get the most out of Windows IIS 8

    If you're a developer or administrator, you'll want to get thoroughly up to speed on Microsoft's new IIS 8 platform with this complete, in-depth reference. Prepare yourself to administer IIS 8 in not only commercial websites and corporate intranets, but also the mass web hosting market with this expert content. The book covers common administrative tasks associated with monitoring and managing an IIS environment--and then moves well beyond, into extensibility, scripted admin, and other complex topics.

    The book highlights automated options outside the GUI, options that include the PowerShell provider and AppCmd tool. It explores extensibility options for developers, including ISAPI and HTTPModules. And, it delves into security protocols and high availability/load balancing at a level of detail that is not often found in IIS books.

    • Author team includes Microsoft MVPs and an IIS team member
    • Covers the management and monitoring of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 8 for administrators and developers, including MOF and MOM
    • Delves into topics not often included in IIS books, including using the PowerShell provider and AppCmd tool and other automated options, and extending IIS 8 with ISAPI or HTTPModules
    • Explores security issues in depth, including high availability/load balancing, and the Kerberos, NTLM, and PKI/SSL protocols
    • Explains how to debug and troubleshoot IIS

    Professional Microsoft IIS 8 features a wealth of information gathered from individuals running major intranets and web hosting facilities today, making this an indispensible and real-world reference to keep on hand.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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