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Sinópsis del libro:

  • QuickBooks "X" For Dummies is a big help for small businesses

    Most businesses can't afford a Big Four accounting firm to handle their books. That's why so many small-to-mid-size businesspeople turn to QuickBooks to help them keep track of their finances. Bestselling author Stephen Nelson returns with updated coverage of the latest revisions and enhancements to the leading small business accounting software package. After a quick review of bookkeeping basics, you'll discover how QuickBooks can help you build the perfect budget, process payroll, simplify your tax return prep work, create invoices, manage inventory, generate income statements, balance accounts, and much more.

    You'll learn what you should do before you install and set up QuickBooks, then move onto basic bookkeeping concepts and the fundamentals of building a solid budget. You'll also discover how to enter data, create invoices, and record and print sales receipts; keep track of your inventory, payroll, and budgets; monitor your job costs; and generate the most common financial reports with ease.

    • Veteran author Stephen Nelson updates his perennial bestseller and offers you easy-to-understand coverage of the newest release of QuickBooks
    • Enables you to take control of managing your own business accounting and financial management tasks so you can avoid having to hire expensive outside help
    • Provides expert advice for getting started with QuickBooks, building the perfect budget, processing payroll, creating invoices, managing inventory, tracking job costs, generating income statements, balancing accounts, creating financial reports, and more

    QuickBooks "X" For Dummies helps you handle your financial management tasks more effectively so that you can get down to business!

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Learn to use the UK's number one small business accounting software!

    A reliable accounting system is integral to the success of any small business and QuickBooks is the finance program you need to handle your financial and business management tasks efficiently. This eagerly awaited book shows you how to use this popular software to build a budget, process payroll, create invoices, manage inventory, balance accounts, and much moreÂ?all without having to hire expensive financial professionals.

    After discovering the best way to install and setup QuickBooks, the authors show you how to use QuickBooks to maintain your accounting records to comply with tax laws, enter data, keep track of your cheque book and credit card accounts, and produce common financial reports that track every penny coming in and going out.

    • Shares proven secrets for building a solid budget
    • Details how to track accounts receivable and payable
    • Provides clear steps for keeping track of inventory as you purchase and sell items
    • Highlights ways to track who needs to get paid, who owes money, and what needs to get done

    QuickBooks "X" For Dummies, UK Edition addresses the unique needs of UK businesses and helps you keep your business in the black.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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