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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Why should you, a competent software developer or programmer, care about your own brand? After all, it’s not like you're an actor or musician.

    In fact, as Success in Programming: How to Gain Recognition, Power, and Influence Through Personal Branding demonstrates in many ways, it’s never been more important for you to think about yourself as a brand. Doing so will provide rocket fuel for your career. You’ll find better jobs and become the "go-to" person in various situations. You’ll become known for your expertise and leadership, and you'll find it easier to strike out on your own. People will seek out your advice and point of view. You’ll get paid to speak, write, and consult. What’s not to like about becoming a rock star developer?

    The good news—as Mozilla’s senior technology evangelist, Frédéric Harper, writes—is that it’s never been easier to improve your skills, stand out, share more quickly, and grow your network. This book provides the tools you need to build your reputation and enhance your career, starting right now. You'll learn what personal branding is and why you should care about it. You’ll also learn what the key themes of a good brand are and where to find the ingredients to build your own, unique brand. Most importantly, you'll understand how to work your magic to achieve your goals and dreams. You’ll also learn:

    • How to use sites like StackOverflow and Github to build both your expertise and your reputation
    • How to promote your brand in a way that attracts better-paying jobs, consulting gigs, industry invitations, and contract work
    • How to become visible to the movers and shakers in your specific category of development
    • How to exert power and influence to help yourself and others

    Success in Programming: How to Gain Recognition, Power, and Influence Through Personal Branding shows you how to scale your skills, gain visibility, make a real impact on people and within organizations, and achieve your goals. There’s no need to become a marketing expert or hire a personal branding guru; this book and a desire to grow personally and professionally are all you need to leap to the next level of your career.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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