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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • The new novel from one of the bestselling authors in the world. Mickey Haller is trying to get his legal career back on track by defending a high profile criminal. However, a certain Harry Bosch believes that there's a killer among Mickey's clients and that Mickey may just be his next victim. 'Connelly is a crime writing genius.' )Independent On Sunday(.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • A superb novel featuring both Mickey Haller and Harry Bosch from the No. 1 bestselling author of THE LINCOLN LAWYER and THE GODS OF GUILT.

    Defence lawyer Mickey Haller has had some problems but now he's put all that behind him and is ready to resume his career. Then another lawyer, Vincent, dies, and Haller gets an unexpected windfall: he inherits all Vincent's clients - putting his stalled career back on track at a stroke.

    Not only that, but Vincent had taken on a high profile and potentially lucrative murder case. It'll be a trial that promises big fees and an even bigger place in the media spotlight - and if Mickey can win against the odds, he'll really be back in the big leagues.

    The only problem is the detective handling the case - a certain Harry Bosch - is convinced the killer must be one of Vincent's clients. Suddenly Mickey is faced with the biggest challenge of his career: how to defend a client successfully who might just be planning to murder him.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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