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  • Portada de THE FACE


  • Portada de THE FACE


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • A novel of fear and suspense, love, loss and redemption, from one of the greatest storytellers writing today. The Face is Dean Koontz's most chilling, gripping and original novel to date. THE FACE. He's Hollywood's most dazzling star. His flawless features inspire the love of millions -- but light the fires of hatred in one twisted soul. A few rain-lashed days before Christmas, a warped star-hater has sent six sinister messages to him, promising a very nasty surprise for the festive season. The Face's security chief is Ethan Truman, an ex-LAPD cop trying to rebuild his life. Having tracked down the messenger but not the source of the threat, he's worried. But not half as worried as he would be if he knew that Fric, the Face's ten-year-old son, was home alone and getting calls from a pervert claiming he's Moloch, 'devourer of children'. While the unnatural downpour continues, Ethan must face the secrets of his tragic past and the unmistakable premonition of his own impending violent death as he races to solve the macabre riddles. Meanwhile, a terrified young Fric is planning to go into hiding in his father's vast Bel Air mansion - putting himself beyond Ethan's protection. And Ethan may be all that stands between Fric and an almost unimaginable evil ...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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