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  • Portada de THE RANCH


  • Portada de THE RANCH


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • After more than 20 years, three college friends are reunited at the Grand Teton ranch in Wyoming. Although Mary Stuart, Tanya, and Zoe have very different lives, each has come to the Grand Tetons to escape a troubled life. Will their shared past help a rock star, a socialite, and a clinic doctor find comfort as well as common ground with each other? In her 39th novel Danielle Steel reminds us why she's still on top.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • In The Ranch, bestselling author Danielle Steel brings reality to the meaning of friendship.
    Mary Stuart, Tanya and Zoe had been inseparable in college, but had not seen each other for twenty years or more. Marriage, motherhood and careers had kept them apart until one summer, at a sprawling ranch in Wyoming, the three women are reunited and reach out to each other again.
    Once they shared everything, but now pretence between them runs high. Mary Stuart, married for twenty-two years to a Manhattan lawyer, masks the guilt and fear that her husband will never forgive her for their son's death. Tanya, a singer and rock star, enjoys all the trappings of fame and success - a mansion in Bel Air, legions of fans, and a broken heart for the children she wanted but never had, and the men who have taken advantage of her, and the tabloids that have rocked her life. Zoe has her hands full as single mother to an adopted two-year-old and as a doctor at an AIDS clinic in San Franciscio, until unexpected news forces her to re-evaluate both her future, and her current life.
    But their friendship is still a bond they all treasure and share. For each of the women, a few weeks at the ranch bring healing and release, as old hurts are buried, ancient secrets revealed, and hope is renewed.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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