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Judson Poling

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Judson Poling


Libros de Judson Poling

Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Judson Poling

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THE BE-WITH FACTOR STUDENT GUIDE // Boshers, Bo; Poling, Judson;

Having the right person in a young person's life can make a huge difference. Jesus knew that, so he spent time with his young disciples, talking with them, listening to them, having fun with them--- being with them in everyday life. Imagine students in your ministry having wise, caring mentors in their lives. They can! Jesus' model of how to tra...

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THE BE-WITH FACTOR // Boshers, Bo; Poling, Judson;

You want to make a huge, lasting difference in the lives of students, right? The Be-With Factoris a powerful, practical, and sustainable mentoring approach that does just that. It's patterned after Jesus' example of being with his disciples in a variety of real-life settings. It's not another program, but it's about reaching a generation by focu...

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FULLY DEVOTED // Ortberg, John; Poling, Judson; Pederson, Laurie;

What does it mean to do everything 'in Jesus' name'? Is that an ideal attainable only by a few 'super Christians'--or is it a way of life we can all experience? Leader's guide included! Fully Devoted group sessions are: What Is True Spirituality? Grace Growth Groups Gifts Giving 'We Know Him Well . . . '

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GIFTS // Ortberg, John; Poling, Judson; Pederson, Laurie;

Gifted--that's you! Uniquely equipped to help build up the body of Christ. As a follower of Jesus, serving others is an integral part of your identity and an important key to your personal growth. But how do you cultivate a servant's heart and your spiritual gifts in ways that build up your church, your family, your friends, and your world--with...

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