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Libros de Kraus

Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Kraus

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The dictionary lists the general vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives - which occurs in practically all technical texts. This vocabulary should be mastered by all those who actively or passively work with technical texts since it provides the structures into which the technical terms of various fields of technology are embedded. The ke...

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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR: EVOLUTION AND MECHANISMS // , Schneider; , Kraus; , Zhang; , Kaiser; , F.; , Schreiber; , Trillmich; , Tautz; , Taborsky; , Schaik; , Schaefer; , Sachser; , Penn; , Pahl; , Moritz; , Michiels; , Manser; , Kotrschal; , Korb; , Kerth; , Kempenaers; , Kappeler; , Hofer; , Hirschenhauser; , Heinze; , Goymann; , Broc;

The study of animal behaviour is one of the fastest growing sub-disciplines in biology. The resulting diversity of conceptual approaches and methodological innovations makes it increasingly difficult for professionals and students to keep abreast of important new developments. This edited volume provides up-to-date reviews that facilitate orient...

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PROJECTING POTENTIAL OUTPUT // , Heinemann; , Kraus; , Wang; , Trautwein; , Schrimpf; , Kappler; , Hauptmeier;

In spite of the widespread use of the concept of potential output in economic theory and empirical applications as well as in economic policy debates, the historical background and the assumptions inherent to this concept are rarely made transparent, let alone critically questioned. Against this background this book sets out to determine the ext...

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Der Vorzug dieses Skripts liegt in der radikalen Konzentration auf das Wesentliche: Abgedeckt wird ein breites Spektrum mathematischer Konzepte und Methoden, die für die heutige Physik relevant sind. Auf Details wird überall dort verzichtet, wo sie sich in über 30 Jahren Lehrerfahrung als wenig erhellend erwiesen haben. Bei etwa 70?80 % der Aufg...

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