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Morgan Alreth

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Morgan Alreth


Libros de Morgan Alreth

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WRATH // Alreth, Morgan;

The day of reckoning between the witches and the temples has finally come. Priests of the fire god are rampaging through the woods, casting spells of flaming destruction. There is no one but the young witch Jessera to lead the defenders. Her beloved Prince Peteros has been exiled, and without reinforcements from the queen only the forbidden magi...

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ATHAME // Alreth, Morgan;

For six hundred years the line of Agrahain has ruled the kingdom of Kulhn honorably. Now, the king is corrupt, and the dynasty is crumbling. One prince conspires with assassins to murder his brothers, while two more duel to the death over the succession.The southern forest of Kulhn is deep, dark, and deadly. Which makes it a perfect refuge for w...

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