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Paul Swider

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Paul Swider


Libros de Paul Swider

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PROFESSIONAL SHAREPOINT 2013 DEVELOPMENT // Wilson, Brian; Hillier, Scot; Alirezaei, Reza; Schwartz, Brendon; Fried, Jeff; Ranlett, Matt; Swider, Paul;

Thorough coverage of development in SharePoint 2013 A team of well-known Microsoft MVPs join forces in this fully updated resource, providing you with in-depth coverage of the latest iteration of the immensely popular SharePoint. From building solutions to building custom workflow and content management applications, this book shares field-tes...

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PROFESSIONAL SHAREPOINT 2010 DEVELOPMENT // Schaefer, Kenneth; Hillier, Scot; Alirezaei, Reza; Rizzo, Thomas; Fried, Jeff; Swider, Paul;

Learn to leverage the features of the newest version of SharePoint, in this update to the bestsellerMore than simply a portal, SharePoint is Microsoft's popular content management solution for building intranets and Web sites or hosting wikis and blogs. Offering broad coverage on all aspects of development for the SharePoint platform, this compr...

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