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Paul Tiffany

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Paul Tiffany


Libros de Paul Tiffany

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BUSINESS PLANS FOR DUMMIES // Barrow, Colin; Peterson, Steven D.; Tiffany, Paul;

Would you take off on a road trip to a new destination without a map or good directions? Probably not. Yet, sometimes business owners go full speed ahead without even having a destination in mind, much less a map on how to get there. That’s why so many businesses never make it. In today’s competitive marketplace, 3/4 of all new businesses fail w...

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STARTING AND RUNNING A BUSINESS ALL-IN-ONE FOR DUMMIES // NELSON, BOB; SMITH, CRAIG; TRACY, JOHN A.; Barrow, Colin; Brooks, Gregory; Peterson, Steven D.; Smith, B.; Holden, Greg; Tiffany, Paul; Epstein, Lita; Hiam, Alexander; BARROW, PAUL; Barclay, L.; Levene, Tony; Pettinger, Richard; Economy, Peter; Carter, Ben; Catalano, Frank;

Written by a team of business and fi nance experts, Starting & Running a Business All-In-One For Dummies is a complete guide to every aspect of setting up and growing a successful business. Featuring straight-talking advice on everything from business planning and marketing, managing staff and dealing with legal issues, to bookkeeping and taking...

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